My dream job

I have always dreamt about working in my own lab as a farmaceutic, developing new medication that could save lives or help people get over diseases. I imagine it to be exiting to do experiments every day, testing and discovering new things everyday. Also I would like to sell this medication to the farmacies and make a lot of money.

I would need a lot of knowleadge about chemistry and biology, also a lot of patience and perseverance to get over all the challenges I would face. Also some marketing skills to be able to negociate with the buyers.

The salary would be very good, I could be able to earn millions of pesos in one month and be able to buy anything I live in a nice house and not worring about money for the rest of my life.

I am currenty studying farmacy and chemistry in "Universidad de Chile" in my second year. I still have a long way to go but some day I will be able to get my dream job, it's just a matter of time. I am studying this because it's necesary to work as a farmaceutic, it teaches you everything you need to know about chemical procedures and its repercutions on the body and its condicions.


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