the best concert ever

 I have never been a person that likes to go to concerts, the only time i went to one was last year, I went to the Daddy yanky concert, it was awsome. It was on november so the weather was great to be outside. I bought the tickets online and went with two friends. they were very expencive but worth it. I will never forget how close we were to the barrier, we could clearly see everything. he played my favorites songs and at the end everyone did an encoré so he would play one last song. I am proud to say I am the biggest fan of Daddy yanky and I hope he comes back again so I can see him again. I remember that we had a little problem with the doorman because one of the tickets didnt check, but after a while we were able to enter, the line was huge and there was so much people I could barely move. At the end I was able to take some great pictures that turned into valuable memories.


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