A meal that I really like

 A meal that I really like is "chacarero" that is a sandwich that includes green beans, tomato, chili pepper, mayonnaise and steak. 

It is made by cooking the steak in a grill, then heating the bread in an oven, you put in one half of the bread, mayonnaise, tomato, chili pepper, green beans and finnaly the steak, then you close with the other half of the bread. 

I like it so much beacuse it is so tasty, the flavors mix up perfectly, it is very good for your health because it contains a lot of vitamins of the tomato, chili pepper and green beans, also it contains a lot of protein from the steak.

You eat it with your hands or with a fork and a knife. You can't eat it everyday because it contains a lot of carbohydrates so you have to balance it by eating it once in a month hopefully.


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