Angela's autobiography

 "Hello class,

My name is Angela Mavet Torres Donoso, I am nineteen years old and I am from Santiago de Chile. I have always lived here and I am currently studing "Quimica y Farmacia" in "Universidad de Chile" in my second year. I also work part time in a restaurant called "La fuente de la reina" that specialices in sandwiches and pizzas cooked in original italian style. What I enjoy the most is listening to music and reading books. My favorite music genre is "Rancheras" and my favorite book's genres are mistery and terror. I live with my mom, Monica, my two sisters, Camila and Carolina, my brother Vicente, and my two nephews, Javiera and Ignacio, in a house located in the commune of Peñalolen. We also have a buisness in the house that sells cleaning products such as detergent, shampoo, face masks, etc.

Thank you very much for reading."


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