
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2022

A place I have always wanted to visit.

What is a place I have always wanted to visit? I personally would like to vist canada and not just to sightsee, but to live there because I think its a great country because of its laws and beatifull places to see. I know very little of Canada, I just know it can be very cold there, and that they speak not just english, but also french. As I mentioned before I would like to live there, but not just that, also I would like to visit all the beatifull places Canada has to offer, try all kinds of food and meet a lot of interesting people. I would like to work as a pharmaceutical there if it can be posible. I would like to finish my studies there first because I believe education is so much better, but it is really difficult because there are very few spots to people from other countries. So I have to work very hard to get one of those spots.